27.07.2021 • 

A certain county in Nevada is one of the fastest-growing metropolitan areas in the United States. The population of this county from 1970 through 2010 is approximated by the function P(t) = 39,009t3 − 77,394t2 + 234,633t + 273,288 (0 ≤ t ≤ 4)
where t is measured in decades, with t = 0 corresponding to the beginning of 1970.
1. Find when the population is increasing or decreasing at the slowest pace. Hint: Find the inflection point of P in the interval (0, 4). (Round you answer to two decimal places.)
2. Was the population of the county always increasing or decreasing over the time penod in question.
a. increasing
b. decreasing
c. varies

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