25.04.2020 • 

A dealer selects a card at random from a standard deck of 52 cards.
a) What is the probability the card is a Queen? 1/13
b) What is the probability the card is a 5 or a 10?
c) What is the probability the card is a heart or an Ace?

i think i have the answer for a) as 1/13 cause there are 4 kingdoms(as i like to say) the heart kingdom, spade kingdom, club kingdom, and the diamond kingdom. each one has 13 cards adding them up equals 52 cards. there are 4 queens total one in each kingdom. so the starting fraction would be 4/52 i divided that by 4 on nominator and denominator and got 1/13 chance she could draw a queen. in the simplest form.

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