08.04.2020 • 

A newspaper published the results of a study to determine whether sourdough can increase the solubility of whole wheat bread. Four types of bread were prepared from whole meal flour: (1) yeast added, (2) sourdough added, (3) no yeast or sourdough added (control), and (4) lactic acid added. Data were collected on the soluble magnesium level (percent of total magnesium) during fermentation for samples of each type of bread and were analyzed with the use of a one-way ANOVA. The four mean soluble magnesium means were compared in pairwise fashion with Bonferroni's method. Complete parts a through c.囲Click the icon to view the summary of the results of the multiple comparisons. a. How many pairwise comparisons are made in the Bonferroni analysis? b. Which treatment(s) yielded the significantly highest mean soluble magnesium level? The lowest? A. The significantly highest mean is Sourdough; the lowest mean is Control B. The significantly highest mean is Control, the lowest mean is Sourdough C. The significantly highest mean is Sourdough; the lowest means are Control and Yeast. c. The experimentwise error rate for the analysis was 0.05. Interpret this value. This value is the probability of declaring at least one pair as ▼ | different when it Data Table Mean 8% 12.5 % 21.5% 28 % Type of bread Control Yeast Lactate Sourdough PrintDone

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