21.10.2020 • 

A study investigated the relationship between audit delay (Delay), the length of time from a company's fiscal year-end to the date of the auditor's report, and variables that describe the client and the auditor. The independent variables are as follows. Click on the datafile logo to reference the data. Industry A dummy variable coded 1 if the firm was an industrial company or 0 if the firm was a bank, savings and loan, or insurance company. Public A dummy variable coded 1 if the company was traded on an organized exchange or over the counter; otherwise coded 0. Quality A measure of overall quality of internal controls, as judged by the auditor, on a five-point scale ranging from "virtually none" (1) to "excellent" (5). Finished A measure ranging from 1 to 4, as judged by the auditor, where 1 indicates "all work performed subsequent to year-end" and 4 indicates "most work performed prior to year-end." A sample of 40 companies provided the following data. Enter negative values as negative, if necessary. Develop the estimated regression equation using all four independent variables (to 3 decimals, if necessary). Delay = 80.429 + 11.944 Industry + -4.816 Public + -2.624 Quality + -4.072 Finished What is the value of the coefficient of determination (to 3 decimals)? Note: report R 2 between 0 and 1. 0.382 Did the estimated regression equation in part (a) provide a good fit? Which of the following is a scatter diagram for showing Delay as a function of Finished? What does this scatter diagram indicate about the relationship between Delay and Finished? The scatter diagram of Delay and Finishing suggests exists between these two variables. Add Finished-Squared as a fifth independent variable. Use best subsets regression procedure to answer the following question. Which independent variables provide the best regression model if two independent variables are in the model? Which independent variables provides the best regression model if three independent variables are in the model? Using the best subset regression procedure, how many independent variables are in the highest adjusted R 2 model? 5 What is the value of R 2(adj) (to 1 decimal)? Note: report R 2(adj) as a percentage.

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