08.02.2021 • 

According to the ancient Greeks, Prometheus was an important figure in the creation of humankind. Prometheus was an immortal, a Titan, and was ordered by Zeus the king of the gods to help ensure the survival of all living things. Prometheus gave all living creatures a special trait to help them live in the world. He gave the eagle its keen eyesight, the fox its cunning, and the bear its thick fur. By the time Prometheus was ready to she humans a special quality, he had none left. So Prometheus stole fire from the god Hephaistos and gave it to humans, so that they might not be defenseless when Zeus discovered that Prometheus had stolen fire to share with humans, he was very angry. He punished Prometheus by chaining him to a rock the mountains and letting an eagle peck at him every day, which inference is supported by the passage? O 1. The Greeks believed that the gods had different emotions than they did. 02. The Greeks used the gods as a way to explain the natural world. O 3. The Greeks learned the ideas of crime and punishment from the gods. O 4 The Greeks used fire as their primary means of protecting themselves.

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