21.10.2020 • 

Activity An atom consists of electrons, protons, and neutrons. Each electron has a charge of -1, each proton has a charge of +1, and each neutron has no charge. If 3 electrons are removed from each of 4 atoms, what is the combined net change to the charge of the 4 atoms? Complete the steps below to solve this problem and others like it.
Part A
Three electrons are removed from each of 4 atoms. Write an expression to represent the net change on the charge for the group of atoms.

Part B
Simplify the expression obtained in part A and explain what the answer represents.

Part C
Here’s a similar problem. Write an expression for the net change in charge if two electrons are added to each of six atoms in a group. Also, write an expression that represents removing two protons each from a group of six atoms.

Part D
Simplify the two expressions in part C.

Part E
How are the two products in part D related?

Part F
Think about multiplying any two rational numbers. Based on this activity and your previous work, write a set of rules for finding the sign of the product based on the sign of the two numbers being multiplied.

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