27.08.2020 • 

Algebra 2 1. identify the function (yes) (no) 2.write the inverse of problem 1 c. Is the inverse a function? 3. Add, subtract, or multiply if f(x)=2x-1 and get g(x)=x-9 a) f(x) + g(x) b) g(x)-f(x) c) g(x) dot f(x) 4. (3x^2+7x-2)+(5x^2-9)= 5. (9x^2-6x+5)-(3x^2-6x-8)= 6. (x-5) (x+5)= 7. (x+3)^2= 8. If f(x)=x-7 and g(x)=x^2 write the composite functions. a) f(g(x)) b) (g dot f)x 9. Write the inverse. list any restrictions on x. a) f(x)=2x-5 b) f(x)=x^2 10. Solve for y a) 2x+3y=9 b) y^2=x^2-9 11) list the restrictions on x. a)/x+5 b) 5/x-6 12. If x=3, y=0, and z=-3, evaluate. a) x+y+z= b) x dot z= c) x^y= d) z^x= e) x-4/z+7=

Algebra 2 1. identify the function (yes) (no) 2.write the inverse of problem 1 c. Is the inverse a
Algebra 2 1. identify the function (yes) (no) 2.write the inverse of problem 1 c. Is the inverse a
Algebra 2 1. identify the function (yes) (no) 2.write the inverse of problem 1 c. Is the inverse a
Algebra 2 1. identify the function (yes) (no) 2.write the inverse of problem 1 c. Is the inverse a
Algebra 2 1. identify the function (yes) (no) 2.write the inverse of problem 1 c. Is the inverse a

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