31.01.2020 • 

Amarine biologist was studying the size distribution of mussels in the intertidal zone. the mean length of mussels was 21.5 mm with a standard deviation of 8.0 mm. a mussel is classified as a "new recrui if it is less than 10.0 mm in length, a "first year mussel" if it is between 10.0 mm and 30.0 mm in length, and an "established musse" if it is above 30.0 mm in length. assuming mussel length follows a normal distribution, answer the following questions (a) what is the percentile for mussel with a length of 25.0 mm? 67.00th percentile] (b) what mussel length corresponds to the 90th percentile? [31.74 mm] (c) what proportion of the mussel population are new recruits? what proportion of the population are first year mussels? what proportion of the population are established mussels? [0.0749, 0.7805, and 0.1446 for new recruit, first year, and established mussels, respectively]

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