06.04.2021 • 

An amusement park studied methods for decreasing the waiting time (minutes) for rides by loading and unloading riders more efficiently. Two alternative loading/ unloading methods have been proposed. To account for potential differences due to the type of ride and the possible interaction between the method of loading and unloading and the type of ride, a factorial experiment was designed. Use the following data to test for any significant effect due to the loading and unloading method, the type of ride, and interaction. Use α = .05. Use both p-Value and Critical-Value approaches. Type of Ride
Roller Coaster Screaming Demon Log Flume
Method 1 41 52 50
43 44 46
49 46 48
Method 2 49 50 48
51 46 44
47 48 46
1. The p-value for Factor A is :.
a. less than .01
b. between .01 and .025
c. between .025 and .05
d. between .05 and .10
e. greater than .10Item 18
2. What is your conclusion with respect to Factor A?
The p-value for Factor B is:.
a. less than .01
b. between .01 and .025
c. between .025 and .05
d. between .05 and .10
e. greater than .10Item 20
3. What is your conclusion with respect to Factor B?
The p-value for the interaction of factors A and B is :.
a. less than .01
b. between .01 and .025
c. between .025 and .05
d. between .05 and .10
e. greater than .10Item 22
4. What is your conclusion with respect to the interaction of Factors A and B?
5. What is your recommendation to the amusement park?

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