22.04.2020 • 

An online clothing company decides to investigate whether offering their customers a coupon upon completion of their first purchase will encourage them to make a second purchase. To do so, the company programs the website to randomly select 100 first time customers. Sixty of these customers are randomly selected to receive a coupon for $5 off their next purchase, to be made in the next 30 days. The other 40 customers are not offered a coupon. The table below shows the number of customers in each group that made a second purchase within 30 days of their first purchase.

Based upon the table, is “yes, made a second purchase” independent of “yes, being sent a coupon”?

A) Yes, exactly half of the customers made a second purchase and half did not.
(B) Yes, the largest count in the table comes from those who were sent a coupon and made a second purchase within 30 days.
(C) No, the probability of making a second purchase is not equal to the probability of making a second purchase given that a coupon was sent.
(D) No, the probability of making a second purchase is the same whether or not a coupon was sent.
(E) It is impossible to draw a conclusion about independence because a coupon was not sent to exactly half of the customers.

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