26.09.2021 • 

Ana is working at her sister's pizzeria researching the preparation of different pizza dough recipes. A sample of 27 recipes revealed the following information regarding the linear relationship between cost ($/lb) and preparation time (min). Computer Regression Output for Preparation Time (min) vs. Cost ($/lb)

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 18.7095 0.0634 295.31 0.0

Cost -3.9967 0.0384 -104.0 0.0

S = 0.033 R-Sq = 94.24% R-Sq (Adj) = 94.009%

a. Find the equation of the Least Squares Regression Line (LSRL).

b. Using an x-axis and y-axis, create a beautiful graph of the LSRL.

c. Calculate r, the correlation coefficient.

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