17.12.2019 • 

Answer this to be marked as brainliest and for 100 points

1. make a prediction: why does garbage in the ocean tend to accumulate in certain areas?
now watch video (2: 40) – great garbage patch
h t t p s : / /w w w .y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = 0 e y a t q e z s z s ( i had to put the words away from each other bc then it wouldn't let me post this but put the link together and watch the 2-minute video)
record important ideas --
2. do you need to answer the question differently now that you have learned more about this topic? what evidence can you include to support your new statement/claim?
question 2 is talking about number one after you made the prediction and watched the 2 minute video.

3. watch the video to see the model. describe the moving white lines.
a. what do you think they represent?
b. what patterns do you see? (read the tip about finding patterns)
c. why would we want to understand them?
4. what patterns do you see when comparing global surface winds and global surface currents?

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