10.07.2019 • 

assignment 2
baud 3301 summer 2018
due 7/2/2018 (monday)
the file "assignment 2 data" contains a portion of the income statements for apple computer for the years 2007, 2008, and 2009. analyze the data by performing the following operations. write a report summarizing the results of this analysis and answering the questions asked.
graph: create a graph of the iphone unit sales, net sales, and income by quarter.
discuss whether these items seem to be synchronized.
explain what is happening with "within-year" variations.
vertical analysis: create a table with the same information as the separate statements with three columns: one for each year. the entries should be percentages based on net sales as a base.
which items appear to have been affected most by sales of the iphone?
how have earnings per common share been affected?
how would you explain these findings?
trend analysis: create a trend analysis by quarter of all lines in the reports.
which lines have the strongest upward trend?
do these items seem to be related to iphone sales? you need to support this discussion: you may compare these values with the graph you created earlier.
report structure
your report will be in two sections:
section 1: data. three items are required:
the graph
the vertical analysis table
the trend analysis table
section 2: report. the report should be no longer than one page and should address each of the questions listed in a logical, readable narrative. information in the narrative should be based on the work provided in section 1. you may perform additional calculations if you wish
grading. the report will be graded for clarity (how easy it is to understand you), completeness (no significant gaps in the information provided) and correctness (the values and descriptions are correct). the report will also be graded for adherence to the report standard. your conclusion should be supported by both the calculation results and the report narrative.
reports standard
any item below may be overridden by the actual assignment.
caveat: this applies to my classes only, i am not speaking for other classes.
plagiarism: the work should be your own. any other material used should be cited appropriately.
turning the paper in: i will generally accept the paper
via hard copy in class (preferred)
electronically via attachment (single attachment only)
i will print the assignment "as is" in black & white for grading. you will still be responsible for formatting, etc. if i need to reformat, i will deduct points.
date-time stamped in my faculty mail box (this may result in a delay in grading).
name: your name should appear on each page (this way, if the pages are separated for some reason the report can be reconstructed).
page numbering: all pages should be numbered as "1 of 4, 2 of 4, etc." this should be centered at the bottom. if pages come from different sources, this may be done by hand.
printed: the report should be printed: generally no hand writing.
font: font and size should be selected for readability. for example, 12 point arial or times new roman.
margins: at least one inch on each side.
writing: words should be spelled correctly and correct grammar should be used.
bound: the report pages should be bound. a single staple is generally adequate. a paper clip is not (pages separate too easily).
color: if you turn the paper in electronically, i will generally print it for grading. assume this will be in black and white. if color is important to your report, you need to turn in a printed copy. pay attention to contrast so the data is still readable.
tables, charts, et al.
title: each table, chart, et al should have meaningful title.
reference: each table, chart, et al should have a reference title such as "table 1". this facilitates referencing the table in the written portions.
table headers: each table column should have a meaningful header (label). each row should have a meaningful header if appropriate.
pages: each table, chart, et al should appear on a single page if possible. you may relax font size and margins slightly to achieve this. if a table must be on more than one page, the title, title reference, and headers should appear on each page.
data alignment: general rules for data alignment in tables:
text data should be left justified.
numeric data should be right justified. decimal points should line up.
columns with short entries may be center justified for readability. note that the decimal points must align for decimal data.

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