17.10.2020 • 

At the season finale, you present the winner of Canadian Superstar with a recording-and-tour contract. The contract states that the winner will be paid $5000 per month while on tour plus $2 per CD sold. Rn Did You Know? A) Vrite an equation that relates total earnings in terms of the number of months, m, on tour and the number, n, of CDs sold. In March 2003, Dark Side of the Moon, by Pink Floyd, achieved double diamond status in Canada for selling over 2000000 units. B) How much will the winner earn after the first month if 500 CDs are sold? C) Suppose after the third month on tour the new recording artist has earned a total of $74 000. How many GDs were sold? D) In Canada, a record album or CD achieves gold status once it seLls 50 000 units. How much will the artist make if the CD goes gold after 6 months of touring?

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