18.02.2021 • 

At Westgate Community College, a survey was done to determine when students are available for class. A questionnaire was given to a random sample of students. The instructions were to mark each of the time categories in which they could take classes. Many students marked more than one category. Responses from the students in the sample indicated that 52 would take early morning classes, 85 would take mid-morning classes, 41 would take afternoon classes and 37 would take evening classes. Would a circle graph be appropriate for this data? Give a reason for your answer. a) No. There are too few categories for a circle graph to be useful.
b) No. Since there were multiple responses from some students this data does not represent parts of a whole.
c) Yes. Each category represents a percentage of the total student population that could attend class at a certain time.
d) Yes. Circle graphs are most effective when the number of wedges is 10 or fewer.

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