24.03.2021 • 

ATTENTION ALL LINK SCAMMERS is a wonderful place to ask for help on homework, not tests, not exams, but HOMEWORK. If you do it on anything else, that is considered cheating. Anyway, everything is not always about getting points. This is not called "pointsly". This is called which means you have to use your brain some, not just post scams everywhere to get points. This site is about helping people willingly to help them get through problems they are having a hard time with. Also, this scam will cause your account to get banned soon. So STOP it for gods sake. This site is about helping people. I get so annoyed when I go to somebody's profile and all I see are link scams for like 30 questions. Don't do it and stop for the sake of your own account and for the sake of others. Follow me if you agree with me on this statement.

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