07.07.2019 • 

Check over 20 points! easy fractions 8 simple questions question 1 all of the following fractions are proper fractions, except a-11/12 b-7/5 c-1/6 or d- 8/15 question 2 how could you model the fraction 3/8 with a circle? a-divide the circle into eight equal pieces, and shade three of them. b-draw three circles, and shade eight pieces. c-divide the circle into three equal pieces, and shade eight of them. d-divide the circle into eleven pieces, and shade one of them. question 3 kara has four boy cousins and three girl cousins. write a fraction to represent the part of her cousins that are girls. use / for the fraction line. question 4 josh has eight pairs of white socks, two pairs of black socks, and one pair of blue socks. write a fraction to represent the part of his socks that are white. use / for the fraction line.

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