27.03.2021 • 

Consider a regression of price of car on the following variables: mpg, weight (lbs), foreign, foreign_mpg (Interaction between foreign and mpg), foreign_weight (interaction between foreign and weight), mpg_weight (interaction between mpg and weight) and foreign_mpg_weight (interaction between foreign, weight and mpg). Foreign is a dummy variable, which takes value 1 if car is foreign and 0 otherwise. Refer to Output attached with the exam .Interpret coefficients on foreign, foreign_mpg, foreign_weight, and mpg_weight.Test for the significance of regression. Clearly specify what hypothesis you are testing.Test if the effect of mpg differs between foreign and domestic cars.Output for question # 2Source SS df MS Obs= 74Model 3.96E+08Residual 2.39E+08 R-squared= 0.6234Total 6.35E+08 Adj R-squared= 0.5834 Root MSE= 1903.7price Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| 95% Conf. Int.]mpg 883.8371 219.8045 4.02 0 444.9833 1322.691weight 8.711988 1.472394 5.92 0 5.772258 11.65172foreign 16234.39 11413.58 1.42 0.16 -6553.56 39022.33foreign_mpg -642.72 518.7594 -1.24 0.22 -1678.46 393.0165foreign_weight-1.32105 4.422095 -0.3 0.766 -10.15 7.507951mpg_weight -0.22714 0.065524 -3.47 0.001 -0.35797 -0.09632foreign_mpg 0.103106 0.229191 0.45 0.654 -0.35449 0.560701_weight_cons -26054.9 6048.85 -4.31 0 -38131.8 -13978

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