23.04.2020 • 

Consider the following situation and data for the entire quiz. It is desired to explore the relationship between test 2 score (out of 100) and score on the final (out of 150). For the data below, assume TEST 2 (X) is the natural explanatory variable and FINAL (Y) is the response variable in this situation.

col1 X 96 83 80 77 94 95 69 91 90 99 86 80 74 85 72
col2 Y 138 125 120 115 140 145 100 142 138 147 135 128 120 132 118

1. Sketch a scatterplot for this data.
2. Computer the best fitting line for this data and graph it on the plot above. Give all calculations.
3. Find the correlation coefficient giving all calculations. What does it indicate about the strength of the linear relationship between X and Y?
4. Predict a person's score on the final when their test 2 score was 78,

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