19.07.2019 • 

Cousider a deck of playing cards, ace through king with 4 suits (look! it up if you do not know what it is). suppose vou draw 5 cards from the deck. note: ace can be considered as 1 or 14. a) how many possible "flush" (all 5 cards have the same suit, numbers do not matter) can you draw? a8654 diamond, 23894 clubs, a2356 spades, etc. b) how many possible "four of a kind" (4 cards of the same number and another accompanying card) can you draw? k, 8, 9, 4 etc. c) how many possible "straight flush" can you draw? you obtain a straight flush if your 5 cards are in consecutive order and they all have the same suit. e.g. 12345 diamond, 34567 heart, 10jqka spades.

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