03.03.2021 • 

Craig only has $24 left in his bank account. His friends invited him to go bowing the bowling alley charges $2.75 to rent a pair of bowling shoes Each Game costs $4.75
Part A Witte an equality to show the number of games Craig can bowl without ever drafting his bank account Make sure you use the comparison
symbol in your answer
Part B: Solve your I I nequality from part A Please make sure you have the inequality symbol in your answer
Part C: What does your answer from Part B mean? What does this mean for Calg? Explain in one sentence
Part D you were to graph your answer Part B would be an open or close circle? What direction would the arrow be facing?

I’m stuck on this please someone help

Craig only has $24 left in his bank account. His friends invited him to go bowing the bowling alley

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