07.06.2021 • 

Determine when it would be more economical (cheaper) to ride with lyft or Uber. Information: 1. Uber has an initial fare of $ 2.50 and costs $ 0.50 per minute. 2. Ms. Escolero recently took an 8 minute Lyft ride for $ 7 and a 20 minute ride for $ 10.Assume that Lyft's pricing per minute is a linear relationship. Think about: What are some ways you can represent the given information? Hint: Write an equation to represent Uber and another equation to represent Lyft. Remember to write a linear equation you need to know the slope / change and the initlal value. You should also have a x & y table for each car service. You will use those tables to graph a line for Uber and another line for Lyft. * Graph both lines on the same graph. Once you have your graph, you will be able to determine when Lyft or Uber is more economically cheaper.

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