27.07.2019 • 

Discussion: cost of living
adjustments (part 1)
find a credible online source to determine a
realistic cost of living adjustment over one year's
salary (for example, you can use the u.s. social
security administration's cola or one based on
the consumer price index (cpi) given by the
bureau of labor statistics ) you can find a general
nation-wide cola or a specific one for your city or
geographic area
a cost of living adjustment (cola) is an annual
increase in salary or benefits that is meant to
compensate for inflation and the rising cost of living
find a cost of living adjustment from a credible online!
source (such as the social security administration's cola
or the bureau of labor statistics' consumer price index
(cpt). then find a typical starting salary for a career in which
you are interested. share this on the forum as a salary for
your (theoretical) first year on the job.
use the cola percentage rate to calculate five annual
raises (equivalent salaries for your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 60
years on the job). just adjust for the rising cost of loving. do
not take into account ment-based promotions and raises
remember to include your sources. show where you
found your cola as well as where you found your typical
starting salary. (it might to post links to the web sites!
where you found this information.)
on the next screen, you will see khianna's post on
this topic plc me i'm in deep first to answer get a brianlis

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