26.06.2020 • 

Do teachers find their work rewarding and satisfying? An article reports the results of a survey of 398 elementary school teachers and 268 high school teachers. Of the elementary school teachers, 228 said they were very satisfied with their jobs, whereas 128 of the high school teachers were very satisfied with their work. Estimate the difference between the proportion of all elementary school teachers who are satisfied and all high school teachers who are satisfied by calculating a 95% CI. (Use pelementary − phigh school. Round your answers to four decimal places.) , Interpret your 95% confidence interval. We are 95% confident that the percentage of elementary school teachers who are satisfied is less than that of high school teachers by between 1.8% to 17.2%. We are 95% confident that the percentage of elementary school teachers who are satisfied is different from that of high school teachers by between 1.8% to 17.2%. We do not have enough evidence to conclude that there is a difference between the percentages of elementary and high school teachers who are satisfied. We are 95% confident that the percentage of elementary school teachers who are satisfied is greater than that of high school teachers by between 1.8% to 17.2%.

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