17.04.2020 • 

Each of the conditions below create different numbers of triangles. Match the conditions based on the number of triangles the conditions create. Assume inches are the only units used. Condition A: one length of 4 inches, one length of 5 inches, and the angle between them measures 60º Condition B: angles measuring 75º, 70º, and 45º Condition C: a base of 5 inches and a height of 2 inches Condition D: one side measuring 4 inches, one side measuring 2 inches, and a whole number perimeter Condition E: a right triangle, an area less than 10 square inches, and even-numbered leg lengths Condition 1: angles measuring 25º, 70º, and 85º arrowBoth Condition 2: one side length of 3 inches, one side length of 4 inches, and a perimeter of 9 inches arrowBoth Condition 3: one side length of 6 inches, one side length of 2 inches, and a perimeter of 10 inches arrowBoth Condition 4: two sides with a length of 3 inches and a whole number perimeter arrowBoth

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