16.10.2019 • 

for the next part of the lab, open the week 3 excel worksheet. this will be used for the next few questions, rather than the data file used for the first question. 1. click on the "binomial tables" workbook 2. type in n=10 and p=0.5; this simulates ten flips of a coin where x is counting the number of heads that occur throughout the ten flips 3. create a scatter plot, either directly in this spreadsheet (if you are comfortable with those steps), or by using the week 1 spreadsheet and copying the data from here onto that sheet (x would be the x variable, and p(x=x) would be the y variable. 4. repeat steps 2 and 3 with n=10 and p=0.10 5. repeat steps 2 and 3 with n=10 and p=0.90

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