27.09.2019 • 

For which values of x is the inequality 3(1 + x) > x + 17 true?
a) 2 & 3
b) 4 & 5
c) 6 & 7
d) 8 & 9

solve for x.

5(x − 3) − 6(x − 2) > 8x + 2
a) x > 5/9

b) x < 5/9

c) x > −5/9

d) x < −5/9

in the inequality, what are all the possible values of x?

2 − 3(2x + 1) < 6x(2 − 4)
a) x ≥ 1/6

b) x ≤ 1/6

c) x ≥ −1/6

d) x ≤ −1/6

the average normal body temperature for humans is 98.6 degrees f. an abnormal increase in body temperature is classified as hyperthermia or fever. which inequality represents the body temperature in celsius of a person with hyperthermia? (f = 9/5c + 32)
a) 9/5c + 32 ≥ 98.6
b) 9/5c + 32 ≤ 98.6
c) 9/5c + 32 < 98.6
d) 9/5c + 32 > 98.6

without solving, how do you know that -5r + 6 ≤ - 10 - 5r has no solution?
a) both variables are negative
b) the constants are different and the variables are both negative
c) the variables on both sides of the equation are equal and the constants are the same
d) the variables on both sides of the equation are equal and the constants are different

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