03.03.2022 • 

Four programs, Job 1, Job 2, Job 3 and Job 4 are submitted for execution at the same time. If it is a simple uni-programming environment, these jobs will be executed in a sequence i.e. Job 1 then Job 2 then Job 3 and then Job 4. For a batch multi-programming environment, all of the jobs will be executed at once in a batch. It is noted that Job 1 completes in 3 seconds, Job 2 completes in 10 seconds, Job 3 also completes in 10 seconds and Job 4 completes in 7 seconds from the time they begin executing. Required:
Given the above data, also calculate the throughput (in jobs/min) and the mean response time in seconds) of the system for a multi-programming environment.

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