15.04.2020 • 

G s Gender Bias Influenced by Faculty Gender? In a study1 examining gender bias, a nationwide sample of science professors evaluated the application materials of an undergraduate student who had ostensibly applied for a laboratory manager position. All the faculty members received the same application, with half randomly given a male name and half randomly given a female name. We see that the applications with female names received a significantly lower recommended salary. Does gender of the evaluator make a difference? In particular, considering only the applications with female names, is the mean recommended salary different depending on the gender of the evaluating faculty member? The male faculty gave a mean starting salary of with a standard deviation of while the female faculty gave a mean starting salary of with a standard deviation of . Let group and group be the salary recommended for female applicants by male faculty members and female faculty members, respectively. 1Moss-Racusin, C.A., et al., "Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(41), October 9, 2012, 16764–479. State the null and alternative hypotheses.

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