10.03.2020 • 

G Which of the following statement correctly describe the process of 10-fold cross validation Split the data into two random subsets: one subset is used for training and contains 70% of the data and the other one is used for testing and contains 30% of the data. Repeat the process 10 times while shuffling the data at each run. Split the data into 10 subsets. Train using 9 subsets and test on the remaining subset. Repeat 10 times with a different test subset in each run. Split the data into 10 subsets. Train using the 10 subsets and then test on one of the 10 subsets. Repeat the process 10 times using a different random subset for testing at each run. Train 10 different models using 10 completely different datasets (no overlap), the apply the 10 models to a test set and use the prediction of the model with the highest probability score.

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