06.04.2021 • 

Goal: Create a budget meal for a day Role: You are an assistant cook in Karinderya.
Audience: Teacher, friend, neighbours and loved one.
Situation: The store manager give you task to prepare a budget meal for the day,
consisting 1 rice, 1 viand, 1 fruit and 1 drink.

Available Food: rice (fried and plain), viand (chicken meat, pork meat
and vegetables), dessert fruit (banana and apple) and juice (pineapple juice
and mango juice)
Product: The expected output must be the following:
1. Customer financial capability in ordering food
2. Create at least three combination of your budget meal and put a necessary

Using the Combination formula

Goal: Create a budget meal for a day

Role: You are an assistant cook in Karinderya.
Audience: Tea

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