23.10.2020 • 

Have the conditions for inference been met? A student at a large high school wants to estimate the
number of texts seniors send, on average, each day.
This student randomly selects 15 seniors at this school
and asks them how many texts they sent yesterday.
Use the data to construct a 95% confidence interval to
estimate the true mean number of texts seniors at this
school send each day.
No, the sample is not random.
No, the graph of the data shows skewness and has
at least one outlier
No, the 10% condition cannot be verified since it is
not known how many seniors are in the population,
Yes, the student selected a random sample: 15 is
less than 10% of the population of seniors, and the
graph of the data shows no clear skewness or
26, 28, 33, 45, 45, 53, 57, 58, 60, 62, 66, 80, 90, 115,

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