23.05.2021 • 

Help plzzzz I need the correct answers ASAP and that's my last marking period 4 and I'm in grade 12th It's homework: Comprehension Questions - 3.1 Credit Basics:

Question 10: it's part 1 multiple choice questions and Part II: Analyze: Understanding Amortization

Janet just graduated from college, has a job she’s scheduled to begin in 3 months, and has decided to treat herself to 6 weeks of travel across South America before she buckles down and starts working full-time. To do the trip, she’s thinking of applying for a personal loan of $3500, and the bank she uses for her checking and savings account has offered her an interest rate of 24%. She has a goal of paying off the trip within two years, so she uses a Bankrate.com loan calculator and gets the following amortization schedule:

4) How many months does it take Janet to pay off her loan?

5) What is the total amount of interest Janet will pay at the end of the loan?

Help plzzzz I need the correct answers ASAP and that's my last marking period 4 and I'm in grade 12
Help plzzzz I need the correct answers ASAP and that's my last marking period 4 and I'm in grade 12

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