28.05.2020 • 

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3. Based on the Video in Unit 1, what do the letters CTE stand for?

Question 3 Options

Question 3 options:

College Training Exam

Career Teaching Education

Career Technical Education

Career Technical Evaluations

Question 4 (2 points)
The Core of Marketing is:

Question 4 options:

Real Value

Perceived Value


Social Media

Question 5 (2 points)
5. An Items Real Value is?

Question 5 Options

Question 5 options:

Equal to its Price

Always greater than its perceived value

Equal to the cost of providing the product or service.

An average of the price of competitors items.

Question 6 (2 points)
Collegiate football merchandise associated with colleges in the B10 (Big 10 Conference) are more popular in Ohio than in Florida because of their

Question 6 options:

Image Utility

Place Utility

Form Utility

Time Utility

Question 7 (2 points)
A cosmetic company who intentionally uses keywords like “best eyeliner,” and “long-wearing lipstick” in their messaging is using which marketing strategy?

Question 7 options:

Content Marketing

Search Engine Optimization

Brand Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Question 8 (2 points)
Q 8. A company's "Target Market" is the group of people less likely to but its products.

Question 8 options:

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