13.12.2019 • 

How does the state of north carolina compare to the other 49 states? this file state demographics contains data for all states except north carolina*. question 1. find a regression model for life expectancy using the other 3 variables as explanatory variables. enter the coefficients of each explanatory variable below (use 6 decimal places). coefficient for murder rate coefficient for hs graduation coefficient for income question 2. what percent of the variation in life expectancy is explained by the differences in the explanatory variables? (express as a percent; use 1 decimal place) % question 3. use the multiple regression model to estimate the life expectancy in north carolina if the values of north carolina's explanatory variables are murder rate=11.1, hs graduation=38.5, and income=3875 (use 2 decimal places). years.
*variables included in the data: murder rate per 100,000 citizens, hs graduation rate in percent, income per capita in dollars, and life expectancy in years.

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