08.12.2020 • 

I'm sick of CRYING,Tired of TRYING, Yeah I'm SMILING, But inside i'm DYING. You were born to be real not to be perfect! Always REMEMBER no matter how USELESS you FEEL you are someone's REASON to SMILE.
When I am alone I THINK. When I think I REMEMBER. When I remember I feel PAIN. When I feel pain I CRY, When I cry I cant STOP. When I can't stop I cry a da-mn ocean. When i cry an ocean I drown everyone out.
I keep telling myself "I don't need anyone" But the truth is no one needs me. Words cut DEEPER than KNIFES. A KNIFE can be PULLED OUT. Words are EMBEDDED into our SOULS. One day I will KILL this SADNESS, or, maybe this SADNESS will kill ME.
I didn't know what love felt like, until I met him. But now know what it feels like to have a broken heart. It's not always the TEARS that measure the PAIN, sometimes it's the SMILES that we FAKE.
I'm not a machine. Once i'm broken i cannot be fixed. I can FAKE a SMILE but I cant FAKE my FEELINGS. The WORLD is full of MONSTERS with FRIENDLY FACES. And the ANGLES full of SCARS.Time does not heal anything. It just teaches you how to, LIVE WITH THE PAIN.
It's better to be hurt than to hurt others. Over thinking KILLS. So i tried to be SILENT but SILENCE was a killer too. The WORLD is a dangerous place not because of those who do EVIL but because of those who look ON and do NOTHING.

But what i'm trying to say is... Monsters aren't born they are made.

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