26.02.2022 • 

I need help with these questions, can yall help with it? Ty If they stake the pony where David wants, what is the equation of the circle that represents the pony’s path? (2 points)

a) What will be the radius of the pony’s path? (1 point)

b) Remember that the equation of a circle whose center is not at the origin is where (h, v) is the center of the circle. Use this to help you write the equation. (1 point)

5. Sketch the circle represented by this equation onto the graph. (1 point)

6. To check whether the rose bush lies on the circle, see if its coordinates make the equation for the circle true. Show your work.(2 points)

Joy's Plan
7. What are the coordinates of the point where Joy wants to put the stake? Draw this point on your graph. (1 point)

8. If they stake the pony where Joy wants, what is the equation of the circle that represents the pony’s path? (2 points)

9. Sketch the circle represented by this equation on the graph. (1 point)

10. To check whether the rose bush lies on the circle, see if its coordinates make the equation for the circle true. Show your work. (2 points)

11. If the pony is staked at the point (8,8), is the pony able to move about freely without running into the fence? Explain your answer using the location of the stake and the length of the rope to support your reasoning. (1 point)

Making a Decision

12. Who was correct? Is either point (10, 10) or (8, 8) a good place to stake the pony? (1 point)

13. Consider the circle with equation (x – 12)2 + (y – 12)2 = 100.

a) What is the center of this circle? (1 point)

b) Would this circle work for the pony's path? Why or why not? Explain your answer by using the equation, the location of the stake, and the length of the rope to support your reasoning. (2 points)

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