04.12.2020 • 

IM GIVEING ALL MY POINTS AWAY BECAUSE I NEED THIS DONE Next on a NEW PROGRAM, create one of your shapes from part 1.

Then, pick the pen up and move a distance and turn an angle. 90 degrees is a right angle, divide by 1/2 to make more detail and 1/2 again to make more detail.

Skill: Pick the pen up move and put the pen back down. Draw triangles, pentagons, hexagonsshow off. Make your design more detailed. More points. Use the same shape and do it multiple times in different sizes. BE CREATIVE. Have Fun with it. Show off

When you are finished, take a screenshot of BOTH of your coding designs, showing me both the code and the design and turn in your work. We should see Part 1 with 3 shapes and part 2 where you spin one or more shapes in a circle.

See rubric for additional information.

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