05.05.2020 • 

In 2001 polls indicated that 74% of Americans favored mandatory testing of select one answer students in public schools as a way to rate the school. This year in a poll of opoints 1,000 Americans 71% favor mandatory testing for this purpose. Has public opinion changed since 2001? We test the hypothesis that the percentage supporting mandatory testing is less than 74% this year. The P-value is 0.015.
1. Which of the following interpretation of this P-value is valid?
A. The probability that Americans have changed their opinion on this issue since 2001 is 0.015.
B. If 74% of Americans still favor mandatory testing this year, then there is a 1.5% chance that poll results will show 71% or fewer with this opinion.
C. There is a 1.5% chance that the null hypothesis is true.

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