12.10.2020 • 

In a well-written paragraph or paragraphs describe each shape "personality" you assigned yesterday and why you gave them that title. Use this quadrilateral family tree to explain the relationship between
each family member. For 3 members of the quadrilateral family tree:
→ Explain why you gave them a specific "personality' in Lesson #11 (1-2 sentences). Some
questions to think about:
• Does this polygon give you trouble? Why?
Is this your favorite polygon? Why?
• Did you give this personality because it's position within the quadrilateral family tree? (Is
it the most general type of polygon? Is it the most specific type?
→ Explain the special properties that each shape has. Some question to think about:
What are the diagonal features of the shape?
What are the side features of the shape?
Are opposite or consecutive sides congruent?
Are opposite or consecutive sides parallel?
• What are the angle features of the shape?
Are opposite or consecutive angles congruent?
• What are questions that you can ask about this shape based on these properties?
→ Explain how all of the shapes are generally related in this family tree
• What does it mean that the square is closer to the bottom of the family tree?
What is the difference between an inclusive and exclusive definition of trapezoid (Think
lesson #7)? Does this change the way the shapes in this family tree is organized?

Trapezoid V Isosceles Trapezoid V Kite Angles v Opposite Angles V Consecutive Sides v Opposite Sides V Perpendicular Diagonals V Diagonals that bisect each other Correct Information Student provides a correct summary of information learned in the Quadrilaterals unit by answering the prompt questions. Well-Written (appropriate for ESL-level) Communicates main ideas in a clear and concise manner. Information and ideas are organized. Sentences and paragraphs are smooth and fluent.


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