28.11.2019 • 

In march 2015, the public policy institute of california (ppic) surveyed 7525 likely voters living in california. this is the 148th ppic research poll, and is part of a survey series that started in 1998. ppic researchers find that 3266 survey participants are registered democrats and 2137 survey participants are registered republicans. ppic is interested in the difference between the proportion of registered democrats and the proportion of registered republicans in california. ppic researchers calculate that the standard error for the proportion of registered democrats minus registered republicans is about 0.008. of the 3266 registered democrats, 1894 approve of the way the california legislature is handling its job. of the 2137 registered republicans, 385 approve of the way the california legislature is handling its job. what is the 90% confidence interval to estimate the difference in approval for the california legislature based on political party affiliation?

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