12.11.2020 • 

In one year, the population of Douglas, the former copper mining town on the U.S.- Mexico border, shrunk by 200. Over the last ten years, the town’s population is
going down at an average rate of 1.16% per year. Douglas’ current population in
November 2020 is 15,140. a. Write an equation to model the population decay of Douglas using the data
b. If the town’s population loss continues to occur at this rate, what will the
population of Douglas in 6 months from now? Round your answer to the
nearest integer.
c. If the town’s population loss continues to occur at this rate, what will the
population of Douglas in one year? Round your answer to the nearest integer.
d. If the town’s population loss continues to occur at this rate, what will the
population of Douglas in November 2027? Round your answer to the nearest

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