08.11.2021 • 

In Texas Hold'em, each player is dealt two cards, face down, to begin the betting round. Later, three community cards are revealed, face up, for all to share, this is called the Flop. After another round of betting, a new community card is revealed, called the Turn. After yet another round of betting we have the last card, called the River. In the end your hand consists of the best 5 card selection combination from the community cards and the ones in your hand. Suppose you are playing Texas Hold'em with 5 friends. a. What is the probability that you will be dealt pocket aces? b. What is the probability that you will be dealt a pair (2 like cards, ex: 5 of hearts and 5 of clubs)? Given that you were dealt pocket aces, what is the probability of seeing a third ace on the flop? C.

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