08.08.2019 • 

Intermediate algebra reviev e solve all problems . chock your answers with the key providod affer the questions . if you need reviewing some topies, enroll in a section of tu 301 designated or use of the math center and get at the center skech the graph of -2. label inlenects skech the grph of y+-2. label intersects graph the reflection of r-about the s-axis label intencept show that -3 is onetoone and find 27 5125 6 sove: 7. if s8.000 is deposled amount will be in the account affer 7 ycan? account paying 12% compounded ? ? nthly, ika what find without using a calaulatr solve: lo-4 10. simelify log6 i1. wrile lo)+log 7) as a single lopritm 12 write lo4 in tems of log4) 13. solve: logx+21)-2 14. use your calculator to valuate log 19) to sour decimal places 5. soe: 6 sohelo--4 solve: -10-4 18. simplify 19. sove solve: 3f-2.4 20. solve the inequality '+xs 21 perform the indicated opcrations give your anwrs in lowcst term 22. solve the equation 23. solvethe system of lincar equations 24. audrey has 32 dimes and quarters in her piggy bank with a total value of s6.50. how many of the ceins are dimes and how many ae quaners

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