27.06.2020 • 

It is believed that GPA (grade point average, based on a four-point scale) should have a positive linear relationship with ACT scores. Given below is the Excel output for predicting GPA using ACT scores based on a data set of 8 randomly chosen students from a Big-Ten university. Regressing GPA on ACT
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.7598
R Square 0.5774
Adjusted R Square 0.5069
Standard Error 0.2691
Observations 8
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 0.5940 0.5940 8.1986 0.0286
Residual 6 0.4347 0.0724
Total 7 1.0287
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat p-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept 0.5681 0.9284 0.6119 0.5630 -1.7036 2.8398
ACT 0.1021 0.0356 2.8633 0.0286 0.0148 0.1895
Referring to the table, the value of the measured test statistic to test whether there is any linear relationship between GPA and ACT is
A. 0.7598.
B. 0.1021.
C. 2.8633.
D. 0.0356.

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