21.10.2020 • 

JetBlue Airlines Revenue, 2008–2015 (millions) Year Revenue Year Revenue 2008 3,388 2012 4,982 2009 3,286 2013 5,441 2010 3,779 2014 5,817 2011 4,504 2015 6,416 Click here for the Excel Data File (a) Use Excel, MegaStat, or MINITAB to fit both a linear and an exponential trend to the time series. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.) Linear yt = 418.54 418.54 Incorrect t + 570.46 570.46 Incorrect Exponential yt = 927.71 927.71 Incorrect e .1947 .1947 Incorrect t (b) Make annual forecasts for 2016–2018, using the linear and exponential trend models. (Do not round the intermediate calculations. Round your final answers to 2 decimal places.) t Linear Exponential 9 4337.32 4337.32 Incorrect Not attempted 10 4755.86 4755.86 Incorrect Not attempted 11 5174.4 5174.4 Incorrect Not attempted

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