12.08.2020 • 

Kelsey had $65 to spend on books. Each book cost $5.50, and there was a $7.50 fee for shipping. She let b equal the number of books she can purchase and wrote the inequality 5.50 b + 7.5 less-than 65 to represent the situation. Which statements describe the reasoning used to determine if Kelsey’s inequality is correct? Select two options. The inequality symbol is correct because she must spend less than $65. The inequality symbol is incorrect because she can spend up to and including $65. The expression 5.50b + 7.5 is correct because $5.50 per book is 5.50b and that is added to the shipping fee of $7.50 to determine the total purchase price. The expression 5.50b + 7.5 is incorrect because $5.50 per book and $7.50 should be combined to $9.50b to determine the total purchase price. The inequality symbol is correct because she cannot spend more than $65.

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