Factor completely and then place the factors in the proper location on the grid. 8c 2 - 26c + 15 find the greatest common factor of 270 and 360. (give the answer in the numerical form in the top box and in exponential form by filling in the boxes for exponents.) [] 2[]*3[]*5[] (these are where the exponents go[]) find the greatest common factor of 8 a3b2 and 12 ab4 . [] a[]b[] factor completely and then place the factors in the proper location on the grid. 81a 2 + 36a + 4 factor the four-term polynomial. mn - 15 + 3 m - 5 n (m + 3)(n - 5) (n - 3)(m - 5) (n + 3)(m - 5)

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