27.12.2019 • 

Kendall transformed the equation
1/3(5x - 15 + 4x) = 1 + 3x + 4 into a simpler form as shown
1/3(5x - 15 + 4x) = 1 + 3x + 4
1/3(9x – 15) = 3x + 5
3x – 5 = 3x + 5
3x - 3x = -5 + 5
o = 0

which statement is correct?
a) kendall made a mistake; the equation has no solution.

b) kendall did everything correctly; the equation has no solution

c) kendall made a mistake; the equation has an infinite number of solutions.

d) kendall did everything correctly; the equation has an infinite number of solutions.

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