Let B be the matrix for the unit square in homogenous coordinates, with its bottom left corner at (a, b), where you will choose the point (a, b) such that it is not the origin, and it is different from that of any other posts on this topic. Your goal is to find a matrix T for a linear transformation such that TB is a square with side length 4, whose bottom left corner is still at (a, b). Explain why the matrix, ⎡⎣⎢⎢⎢4 0 0 0 4 0 001⎤⎦⎥⎥⎥ will not do the job. Then show that the linear transformation you need can be found using a composition of three or more different linear transformations. Find them and compute the resulting matrix T as a product of those matrices. What can you conclude about the need for homogeneous coordinates in computer animation applications? Be sure to include your chosen point (a, b) in the Subject Heading of your post.

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